The aim of this game is to make a combination of 3 cards better that a dealer’s one. One can use a deck of 52 cards without jokers. Range of cards: Ace, King, Queen, Jack, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2.

If there are free boxes one gambler can play open on 3 boxes, and close on all the rest. ANTE bets of one gambler should be equal. Firstly you should make a decision on the 1st box then on the 2nd one. To start a game players should make a bet on ANTE field. Then a dealer hands round 3 cards face down to every player and himself. After that gamblers make a decision whether to play or not. If a gambler decides not to continue playing he should put the cards face down on the table and say “FOLD”. The dealer puts away his cards, ANTE bet loses.

If a gambler continues playing he should make a bet on a BET field equal to one ANTE. After that the dealer opens his cards. The aim is to find a better combination of 3 cards. Similar to gamblers the dealer defines his combination. All gamblers’ combinations are compared with the dealer’s one. Minimal game – Queen.

  • If the dealer’s and gambler’s combinations are equal then all rest cards are compared by ranking.
  • If the dealer doesn’t have a game he pays ANTE bet from the right to the left in the ration 1:1. In such case BET is not paid.
  • If the dealer’s combination is higher then ANTE and BET lose. If the dealer’s combination is lower BET and ANTE are paid in the ratio 1:1.

ANTE is paid additionally if a gambler has:

Straight 1:1

Three of a kind 3:1

Straight Flush 4:1

Bonus game. The “Pair Plus” bet

The “Pair Plus” is an additional bet. The “Pair Plus” doesn’t play against the dealer’s cards. This bet is always paid if a gambler has:

Pair 1:1

Flush 4:1

Straight 5:1

Three of a kind 20:1

Straight Flush 40:1

In this case “Straight” combination is higher than “Flush” combination. Only ANTE and BET play against the dealer’s cards. The “Pair Plus” bet plays for itself.

  • Cards should always be in the dealer’s view and they are forbidden to be taken off the table in any case.
  • Players are not allowed to exchange information about the cards.
  • A dealer’s card put face up is a cause to make a redeal.
  • A redeal is made if at least one gambler got a wrong number of cards.
  • A redeal is not a cause to make ANTE payment.
  • Bets in credit and cash are not taken.